Saturday, August 22, 2009

“A man chooses, a slave obeys” -Andrew Ryan (Bioshock - Gaming)

Are we men (or women)?, or slaves? Is it by choice we decide to double click that shiny icon on our desktops? Or is there some other will that makes us? ("Would you kindly?"). The true question is does gaming control us or do we control 'it'?

Gaming is, was and will be a highly addictive past time (or should I say life style?). It is not a conscious choice but an inevitable force that slowly pulls us in, to the point of no return, like a caffeinated drink.... Oh the withdrawal symptoms.

I'm sure, like me my fellow gamers; you feel this common force, this common passion. Imagine life without gaming? I really would find that difficult, even trying to imagine life without gaming forces me to imagine it being a game in itself (something along the lines of escape the nightmare world).

This blog is about my passion, so that I may share my perspective on this golden addiction that unites us. Who am I you ask? I'm Swalden, Swaldy, Swal, Swaldie, Swalder or the millions of other names that can be derived from the name that defines me as a gamer... my AKA. I am a member of generation Y, a younger one, I am not an old gamer, who has witnessed countless classics (but I have played most of them) nor am I one of the 'new age gamers' the kids who cannot remember a time before high speed internet and cable TV (The horror). But I am one of you, that is what matters.

Now... would you kindly, stay tuned?

If you have any questions feek free to comment or email me at


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